今回は、The Josh Bersin Company の 2024年8月5日公開のPodcast、
「"So HR Is Making You Miserable?" How HR Can Make Their Jobs Better. E176」
その他、Josh Bersin さんはHR Tech業界では非常に著名な人物ですので、海外の人事のトレンドを把握しておきたい人事部門の責任者や担当者、人事コンサルタントやIT部門の人事システム担当者にとっても、参考となるのではと思います。
- Podcast音声とTranscriptへのリンク
- The Josh Bersin Company の Podcast とは
- Podcastの概要
- Podcast を英語で要約
- Podcast を日本語で要約
- 重要単語と例文(私が気になった単語)
- まとめと感想
- 関連書籍(Amazon の商品紹介):
The Josh Bersin Company の Podcast とは
The Josh Bersin Company は、変化し続ける仕事の世界におけるグローバル・リサーチのリーダーです。全世界で300万人以上のリスナーが聴いているPodcastです。
The Josh Bersin Company の企業概要はこちらを参照ください。
Josh Bersin さんは人事業界、とりわけHR Tech業界では非常に著名な人物です。
人事業界や人事テクノロジーの世界的なイベントで、Keynote Speaker をたびたび務めています。
Podcastの概要(Show Notes)を、以下に引用します。
Show Notes
Once again we read an article about why people “Hate HR” and this time it’s expressing the feelings of HR professionals who say “the job has become an exasperating ordeal. People hate us.”
For those of you in HR, I hope this podcast gives you some perspective. While many people don’t know this, HR is a complex, difficult, and highly strategic profession. If HR leaders don’t lean in, we can sometimes be dismissed or under-valued. And today, as workforce issues loom large, we all have to position ourselves strategically.
I hope this podcast (and the NYT article) is an inspiration for HR professionals to build your sense of confidence and professional capabilities.
Show Notes に含まれる重要単語:
Show Notes をAIに読み込ませ、重要単語をリスト化してもらいました。
- exasperating /ɪɡˈzæspəreɪtɪŋ/
例文:The constant delays were exasperating for the commuters. - ordeal /ɔːrˈdiːl/
例文:Surviving the hurricane was a terrible ordeal for the residents. - lean in /liːn ɪn/
例文:To succeed in this project, we need to lean in and give it our all. - dismissed /dɪsˈmɪst/
例文:His concerns were dismissed as unimportant by the management. - under-valued /ˌʌndərˈvæljuːd/
例文:Many people feel their contributions are under-valued at work. - loom large /luːm lɑːrdʒ/
例文:Economic challenges loom large as we enter the new year. - strategic /strəˈtiːdʒɪk/
例文:We need to take a strategic approach to solve this complex problem. - perspective /pərˈspektɪv/
例文:Traveling abroad can give you a new perspective on your own culture. - capabilities /ˌkeɪpəˈbɪlətiz/
例文:The new software has impressive capabilities for data analysis. - inspiration /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/
例文:The young athlete's determination was an inspiration to her teammates.
exasperating ordeal や loom large という表現に、私は初めて出会いました。そのままビジネスの現場で使えそうです。
Podcast を英語で要約
The podcast discusses a New York Times article about frustrations with Human Resources (HR), offering the speaker's perspective as an HR professional. Key points include:
- Complexity of HR:
- HR professionals deal with complex people issues and decisions
- Everyone has opinions on HR matters, making the job challenging
- HR often acts as an intermediary between leadership and employees
- Value of HR Professionals:
- Most HR professionals are dedicated to improving their organizations and employees' lives
- HR's role is increasingly crucial in addressing labor shortages, skill gaps, and AI integration
- HR as a Profession:
- HR requires 94 complex capabilities, comparable to other business domains
- Companies often underinvest in HR professional development
- The trend of hiring CHROs externally indicates a lack of trust in internal HR development
- Need for Confidence and Preparation:
- HR professionals must explain decisions confidently, using data and case studies
- They should be viewed as business persons, not just business partners
- Progress and Future of HR:
- The HR field has made significant progress
- CEOs and leaders increasingly depend on HR for organizational success
- HR should act as problem-solvers rather than service providers
The speaker concludes by emphasizing the challenging but rewarding nature of HR work, highlighting its importance in modern business and encouraging HR professionals to take pride in their roles despite difficulties.
Podcast を日本語で要約
このポッドキャストは、人事(HR)の専門家としての経験を持つ話者が、ニューヨーク・タイムズの記事「So Human Resources Is Making You Miserable」に対する見解を述べています。主な要点は以下の通りです:
- HRの仕事の複雑さと困難さ:
- HR専門家は複雑な人事問題に対処し、多くの利害関係者の意見を調整する必要がある
- すべての人が人事問題について意見を持っているため、HR専門家の決定は常に精査される
- HRは経営陣と従業員の間の「オンブズマン」的な役割を果たすことがある
- この複雑さがHRの仕事を困難にすると同時に、魅力的でやりがいのあるものにしている
- HR専門家の献身と価値:
- 大多数のHR専門家は、組織と従業員の生活を改善することに尽力している
- HRの仕事は、労働力不足、スキル不足、AIなどの課題に直面し、ますます重要になっている
- HRを専門職として扱うことの重要性:
- HRには94の複雑な能力が必要とされ、他のビジネス分野と同様に専門性が高い
- 企業はHR部門の人材育成に十分な投資をしていないことが多い
- 多くの企業が外部からCHRO(最高人事責任者)を採用している現状は問題である
- HR専門家の自信と準備の必要性:
- HR専門家は、決定の根拠を説明し、データや事例を用いて自信を持って対応する必要がある
- HRはビジネスパートナーではなく、ビジネスパーソンとして扱われるべきである
- HR profession の進歩と将来性:
- HR分野は進歩し、CEOや経営陣はHRの成功に大きく依存している
- HRはサービス提供者ではなく、問題解決者としての役割を果たすべきである
- HR分野におけるイノベーションと創造性は目覚ましい
結論として、話者はHR profession に対して非常に前向きな見方を示し、困難はあるものの、やりがいのある重要な仕事であると強調しています。
- profession /prəˈfeʃn/
意味: 職業、専門職
例文: HR is a challenging but rewarding profession. - skeptical /ˈskeptɪkl/
意味: 懐疑的な、疑い深い
例文: Many employees are skeptical about new HR policies. - oftentimes /ˈɔːfntaɪmz/
意味: しばしば、たびたび
例文: HR professionals oftentimes find themselves mediating conflicts. - caught in the middle /kɔːt ɪn ðə ˈmɪdl/
意味: 板挟みになる、中間に挟まれる
例文: HR managers often feel caught in the middle between employees and upper management. - have a seat at the table /hæv ə siːt æt ðə ˈteɪbl/
意味: 意思決定に参加する権利がある
例文: Modern HR departments now have a seat at the table in strategic discussions. - noble /ˈnoʊbl/
意味: 高貴な、気高い
例文: Many consider HR a noble profession due to its focus on improving people's work lives. - absurd /əbˈsɜːrd/
意味: ばかげた、不合理な
例文: It's absurd to think that HR can solve all workplace issues single-handedly. - beleaguered /bɪˈliːɡərd/
意味: 苦境に立たされた、困難な状況にある
例文: HR departments often feel beleaguered by constant policy changes and employee demands. - second guess /ˈsekənd ɡes/
意味: 後から批判する、疑問視する
例文: Managers often second guess HR decisions about hiring and promotions. - sense of insecurity /sens əv ˌɪnsɪˈkjʊərəti/
意味: 不安感、自信のなさ
例文: New HR professionals may experience a sense of insecurity in their roles. - imposter syndrome /ɪmˈpɒstər ˈsɪndrəʊm/
意味: 自分の能力を過小評価し、成功に値しないと感じる心理状態
例文: Many high-achieving HR professionals struggle with imposter syndrome. - Ditto /ˈdɪtoʊ/
意味: 同様に、同じく
例文: The new policy applies to full-time employees. Ditto for part-timers. - permeate /ˈpɜːrmieɪt/
意味: 浸透する、広まる
例文: It takes time for new HR practices to permeate throughout a large organization. - anecdotal /ˌænɪkˈdoʊtl/
意味: 逸話的な、実証的でない
例文: The report relied on anecdotal evidence rather than hard data. - the faint of heart /ðə feɪnt əv hɑːrt/
意味: 臆病な人々、弱気な人々
例文: HR is not a job for the faint of heart; it requires resilience and determination. - astounding /əˈstaʊndɪŋ/
意味: 驚くべき、途方もない
例文: The progress in HR technology over the past decade has been astounding. - my hats off to everybody /maɪ hæts ɒf tu ˈevribɒdi/
意味: 皆さんに敬意を表します
例文: My hats off to everybody in HR who worked tirelessly during the pandemic. - pep talk /ˈpep tɔːk/
意味: 激励の話、鼓舞する話
例文: The HR director gave the team a pep talk before the busy recruitment season.
First of all, it is true that for those of us that have entered this profession, we have chosen to insert ourselves into very difficult situations.
So HR professionals who try to take a scientific and professional approach and always have great ideas and learn a lot are always facing skeptical leaders and managers and employees who say, I don't think that's the way we should do this.
And one of the other reasons that that questioning happens is that the HR person is oftentimes implementing a decision that was made by another person, a senior leader perhaps, that may not have been that aware of the social and cultural issues they're addressing.
So because you're kind of caught in the middle, you're like an ombudsman between the employees or the workforce and perhaps the job candidates and, you know, managers and leaders who may or may not totally understand what's going on.
You know, the old days of HR not having a seat at the table or you sitting at the corner are over.
So this is a noble, to me, very high value profession that has crawled out of administration and compliance years ago.
I don't believe you would take an underperforming salesperson and give them a job as a senior financial analyst. I don't think you'd give them a job as a senior IT administrator or a cybersecurity specialist, but you would rotate them into HR, which is just absurd.
So, you know, I think for those of us that are in the profession that feel beleaguered by the difficult situations we're in, let's just sort of pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and say, hey, where is this hard work? And sometimes people don't appreciate it.
Which leads me to sort of my fourth point, which is that everybody likes to second guess what HR people do.
And what we have to do to overcome that sense of insecurity or imposter syndrome, perhaps that HR people have is we have to be prepared.
We have to go back to them and say, well, I'm sorry, then we're not going to get candidates because those roles are hard to find and we're either going to have to pay more or give these people better benefits or do other things to improve our likelihood of attracting those candidates. Ditto remote work.
And that obviously hasn't permeated the entire profession yet. But it is happening. And you know, maybe that's another reason that this frustrating kind of feeling is out there. So, you know, as much as I tend to dislike reading articles like this, and they're very anecdotal, there's only maybe eight or ten people that were interviewed.
My little survey on LinkedIn shows that 80% to 90% of the HR people out there are very inspired by their work and they're willing to put up with these issues. And it's not a job for the faint of heart.
And you know, the level of innovation and creativity and technology and new ideas in HR is just astounding. So my hats off to everybody in this profession. And if you feel anything like the people in these article, in this article, call me and I'll give you a big pep talk. Thanks a lot.
印象的だったのは、営業やマーケティングの社員を「ビジネスパーソン」と呼ぶのに対して、人事は「ビジネスパートナー」と呼ばれることが多い。というのは確かにと納得してしまいました。HRBP、HR Business Partner というポジションや役割があるので、特に疑問を持っていなかったです。
関連書籍(Amazon の商品紹介):
関連書籍の紹介です。Josh Bersinさんは、「Irresistible」という書籍も書いていますのでご興味あればどうぞ。