今回は、The Josh Bersin Company の 2024年8月1日公開のPodcast、
「Battle Of The AI Bots, Rethink Talent Acquisition, Workforce Planning? E175」
(筆者訳:AI bot の戦い、人材獲得と要員計画を再考する)
その他、Josh Bersin さんはHR Tech業界では非常に著名な人物ですので、海外の人事のトレンドを把握しておきたい人事部門の責任者や担当者、人事コンサルタントやIT部門の人事システム担当者にとっても、参考となるのではと思います。
- Podcast音声とTranscriptへのリンク
- The Josh Bersin Company の Podcast とは
- Podcast を英語で要約
- Podcast を日本語で要約
- 重要単語と例文(AIによるピックアップ)
- 重要単語と例文(私が気になった単語)
- まとめと感想
- 関連書籍(Amazon の商品紹介):
Battle Of The AI Bots, Rethink Talent Acquisition, Workforce Planning? E175
The Josh Bersin Company の Podcast とは
The Josh Bersin Company は、変化し続ける仕事の世界におけるグローバル・リサーチのリーダーです。全世界で300万人以上のリスナーが聴いているPodcastです。
The Josh Bersin Company の企業概要はこちらを参照ください。
Josh Bersin さんは人事業界、とりわけHR Tech業界では非常に著名な人物です。
人事業界や人事テクノロジーの世界的なイベントで、Keynote Speaker をたびたび務めています。
Podcast を英語で要約
Here's a summary of the podcast in English:
HR Tech Trends:
There's intense competition in the chatbot and AI assistant space for HR technology.Major players like Microsoft Copilot, ServiceNow, Workday, and Salesforce are developing their own AI assistants.These systems may integrate in the future, but specialized AI tools are likely to be more effective than general ones.The speaker's company, Galileo, is partnering with Workday to connect their systems.
Talent Acquisition Models:
The "thin model": Treats talent acquisition as a fulfillment function, like an Amazon fulfillment center for people.
The "thick model": Views talent acquisition as part of the organization's growth strategy.
The thick model focuses on internal development, redeployment, and talent mobility.
Most companies (2/3 to 3/4) still use the thin model, but this may not work well in today's labor market.
Job Market Trends:
The economy is slowing down, but unemployment rates remain low.Job "stickiness" has increased, with quit rates lower than during the pandemic but still around 20% or higher.Work arrangements and locations are becoming more flexible.The speaker mentions an ongoing study about the four-day workweek.
Workforce Planning:
Most companies don't do workforce planning well; it's often just a financial exercise.There's a growing need for skills-based workforce planning.The Employer of Record (EOR) industry is growing to facilitate hiring in different countries.The speaker advocates for a more comprehensive "pixelated" workforce plan that considers various factors like full-time vs. contract, skills-based hiring, internal mobility, and global vs. local hiring.
Talent Intelligence:
Talent intelligence is a new domain growing out of recruiting.It involves using data and AI systems to make strategic decisions about workforce growth.The speaker believes that using a comprehensive approach to workforce planning will differentiate companies in the coming years.
The speaker concludes by mentioning that next week's podcast will focus on updates in the Learning and Development (L&D) market.
Podcast を日本語で要約
HRテクノロジー分野でのチャットボットやAIアシスタントをめぐる競争が激化している。Microsoft Copilot、ServiceNow、Workday、Salesforceなどの主要プレーヤーが独自のAIアシスタントを開発中。これらのシステムは将来的に統合される可能性があるが、汎用的なツールよりも専門的なAIツールの方が効果的である可能性が高い。話者の会社であるGalileoは、Workdayとパートナーシップを結んでシステムを連携させる予定。
異なる国での雇用を容易にするため、Employer of Record(EOR)業界が成長している。
単語 | 発音記号 | 意味 | 意味の日本語訳 | 例文 | 例文の日本語訳 | 類語 | 対義語 |
brewing | /ˈbruːɪŋ/ | developing or impending | 醸成中の、差し迫った | A battle is brewing in the tech industry. | 技術業界で戦いが差し迫っている。 | looming, imminent | subsiding |
integrate | /ˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ | combine or incorporate | 統合する、組み込む | They plan to integrate AI into their software. | 彼らはAIをソフトウェアに統合する計画だ。 | merge, incorporate | separate, segregate |
acquisition | /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃən/ | the act of acquiring something | 獲得、買収 | Talent acquisition is a key focus for many companies. | 人材獲得は多くの企業にとって重要な焦点だ。 | procurement, purchase | disposal, loss |
systemic | /sɪˈstemɪk/ | relating to a system as a whole | 体系的な、全体的な | We need a systemic approach to solve this problem. | この問題を解決するには体系的なアプローチが必要だ。 | comprehensive, holistic | piecemeal, isolated |
inefficiency | /ˌɪnɪˈfɪʃənsi/ | lack of efficiency | 非効率 | The company is trying to eliminate inefficiencies in its processes. | その会社はプロセスの非効率を排除しようとしている。 | wastefulness, incompetence | efficiency, competence |
mobility | /məʊˈbɪləti/ | ability to move freely | 移動性、流動性 | Companies are focusing on internal talent mobility. | 企業は社内の人材流動性に注目している。 | flexibility, adaptability | stagnation, immobility |
contingent | /kənˈtɪndʒənt/ | dependent on or conditioned by something else | 条件付きの、偶発的な | They hire contingent workers for seasonal peaks. | 彼らは季節的なピーク時に臨時労働者を雇う。 | conditional, dependent | unconditional, independent |
pixelated | /ˈpɪksəleɪtɪd/ | broken up into small parts or units | 細分化された、詳細な | We need a more pixelated workforce plan. | より詳細な人材計画が必要だ。 | detailed, granular | broad, general |
intelligence | /ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns/ | the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills | 知性、情報 | Talent intelligence is crucial for strategic hiring. | 戦略的採用にはタレントインテリジェンスが不可欠だ。 | intellect, acumen | ignorance, stupidity |
differentiate | /ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt/ | recognize or ascertain what makes someone or something different | 区別する、差別化する | This approach will differentiate our company from competitors. | このアプローチは我が社を競合他社と差別化するだろう。 | distinguish, set apart | assimilate, blend |
単語 | 発音記号 | 意味 | 意味の日本語訳 | 例文 | 例文の日本語訳 | 類語 | 対義語 |
super duper | /ˈsuːpər ˈduːpər/ | exceptionally good or impressive | 非常に素晴らしい、すごい | That new phone is super duper! | その新しい電話はとても素晴らしい! | fantastic, amazing | terrible |
subsume | /səbˈsjuːm/ | include or absorb something in something else | 含む、吸収する | Smaller companies were subsumed into the larger one. | 小さな会社は大手に吸収された。 | incorporate, include | exclude |
give it a shot | /ɡɪv ɪt ə ʃɒt/ | to try something | 試してみる | I’ve never tried skiing, but I’ll give it a shot. | スキーはやったことがないけど、試してみるよ。 | attempt, try | avoid |
impending | /ɪmˈpendɪŋ/ | about to happen | 差し迫った、間近に迫った | The impending storm has everyone worried. | 差し迫った嵐が皆を心配させている。 | imminent, looming | distant |
eyeballs | /ˈaɪbɔːlz/ | the attention of an audience or viewers | 視聴者の注目、注視 | The website is designed to attract eyeballs. | ウェブサイトは注目を集めるように設計されている。 | views, attention | indifference |
slightest dip | /ˈslaɪtəst dɪp/ | a very small decrease | ごくわずかな減少 | There was the slightest dip in sales last month. | 先月、売上がわずかに減少した。 | minimal decrease | increase |
preaching | /ˈpriːtʃɪŋ/ | giving advice or moral instruction | 説教、助言 | He kept preaching about the importance of honesty. | 彼は誠実さの重要性について説教し続けた。 | advising, instructing | ignoring |
quote unquote | /kwəʊt ʌn kwəʊt/ | used to highlight quoted words, often ironically | いわゆる、いわゆる「」 | He’s quote unquote a “professional,” but I’m not so sure. | 彼は「プロ」だといわば言われているが、私はそうは思わない。 | so-called, supposedly | - |
breather | /ˈbriːðər/ | a short rest or break | 一息入れる、休憩 | Let’s take a breather before continuing. | 続ける前に一息入れましょう。 | rest, pause | work |
super duper
So those of you that are using it, it's really a super duper AI powered search engine for all of the documents you have in SharePoint and various different systems in Microsoft, which is in and of itself a pretty cool thing.
So I think these agents are going to be talking to each other. I don't think one agent is going to subsume all of them. And since the market is still so young, there's going to be a lot of relationships and alliances between them.
give it a shot
So I don't know whether the workday salesforce relationship is as big as it may sound, but they're trying, you know, they're, they're teaming up. They're going to give it a shot.
impending と eyeballs
But, you know, I think this is the nature of an impending, you know, competition for the eyeballs of all of us that will happen over time. And we're still in the early days and we don't know what Apple's going to do, by the way, if, you know, I really do think if the Apple intelligence version of Siri is good and has some sort of programming interface, people are going to jump to that really fast.
slightest dip
Germany's economy just went into a slightest dip. I just saw this week the UK economy is doing pretty well, but they have a big debt problem. United States, things are slowing down, but they're still growing.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and give you a preaching lecture on why you should be doing workforce planning.
quote unquote
In most cases, workforce planning is a financial exercise done through the CFO around the budget process, where we allocate headcount based on budget, and it might change if the company has a, you know, change in revenues. And then managers use their headcount budget to hire. And giving a headcount budget is a form of strategic decision making, because leaders, including the CFO, make decisions on where to grow and where not to grow based on business opportunities as they perceive them. And so then we go and we fulfill on those growth plans from the workforce plan, quote unquote. It's not usually a skills based plan.
If you're in a company that's doing dynamic workforce planning like this, I would love to talk to you. We've talked to many companies about this in the past. It's been hard to find companies that do it well. There are a few big companies that do, but I think that's going to be a big trend as the economy takes a little bit of a breather and employees stop jumping around quite so much.
人事の領域へのAI活用、今後が楽しみです。また、Talent Aquisition (採用)の部門は、単なる採用ではなく成長部門となり、社内人材の育成、再配置、人材異動に目を向けるようになる(経済が停滞するなかで、必要になる)というような指摘が印象的でした。
会社が成長している間は、人材の採用は活発ですが、経済が縮小したり、事業の選択と集中を行う場合などは、採用の口を閉じるケースもあります。その場合に、Talent Aquisition の部門の仕事が小さくなる・場合により無くなるため、別の仕事や役割を担わないといけない。という論理はわかるように思います。
また、人材計画、Workforce Planningの文脈では、外部や市場から自社に必要な人材を採用するだけでは十分でないケースもあり、社内人材のアップスキル、リスキリング、異動配置、社内公募制度などの拡充も、人事施策の面では有効になってきますね。
関連書籍(Amazon の商品紹介):
Josh Bersinさんは、「Irresistible」という書籍も書いていますのでご興味あればどうぞ。